Captain’s Interview - Gurjit Singh


Rob speaks to Gurjit who is the Partick XI Vice Captain for 2020. Gurjit has been the leading strike bowler in the side for many seasons now and has an experienced head to go with his heavy seamers.

Have you captained a team before?
"My first experience of captaincy was stepping in as Partick XI captain last season. Captaincy in any sport and at any level can be challenging.

What I learned throughout my captaincy was each individual player is unique and has their own skills. I see it as my job to use each skill set and utilise this in the game.

During my time as a captain I realised that a captain’s role does not finish on the pitch. Captaining any side requires calm, creative, collective and strategic thinking. You have to be the motivator in the team and you need to have an understanding with your teammates. Along with this it is important to maintain respect from your team as this leads to effective game play and morale within the team."

What type of captain do you think you are and how do you think you handle pressure situations?
"I would like to think I’m a strategic captain. I feel it’s important to have a plan in place before each cricket match. As the game changes on the pitch I then adapt to the situation and focus on guiding my team. In a pressured situation I like to be hands on and communicate well to my team. This is so that we all understand the game plan and have one goal to win the game. I feel as i play more games I become more confident in how I overcome pressured moments."

Cricket has many swings of momentum - how can you stay positive throughout a whole game & what else is different about being a cricket captain compared to other sports?
"Well cricket is a lengthy game compared to other sports. Therefore, as a captain you have to be very focused and watch the game as its being played. It’s your responsibility as the captain to lead the team as they look up to you. So you have to stay positive to encourage your team to play well. The team will reflect on a captain’s behaviour so its important to keep a positive mind, no matter how tough the game is."

What is your favourite cricket memory?
"Beating Carlton CC in 2011 was one of my favourite memories. I was 18 at the time and was called up to play in a Scottish National Cricket League game against a well established team packed with current and ex Scotland internationals . I witnessed two extraordinary innings, Douglas Lockhart’s elegant 100 and Colin de Grandhomme’s explosive 80 to guide us to a total of 275. We defended the total and won with me contributing with a couple of wickets. It was a great experience for me and an excellent achievement for the club."

Who is your favourite player you've played with at West?
"Its difficult to pick one favourite player. I've now played at west for around 15 years and I've grown up with a lot of players. I find it enjoyable to play with the players I've grown up with since the beginning. Were all great friends and enjoy playing as a team."

If you could play another sport, what would it be and why?
"Hmmm I guess rugby. I played a lot when I was in school and I wouldn’t mind playing it again. I would also like to give baseball a go, it’s kinda like cricket in a way and think I’ll enjoy it."

What have you been doing to keep fit/ busy throughout lock down?
"During the lockdown, I've tried to maintain my fitness through regular short distance runs and sprints. I've also managed to add light weight resistant training with the use of a home gym."

With uncertainty over the upcoming season, what does a positive season look like for you?
"Well the safety of the players is important and would be priority at first. This would then determine whether the season will take place or not. We’re a strong group at West I’m confident we’ll all pull through this difficult time together.

It’s a very difficult time at the moment but I would like to see some cricket played this season. Personally I am looking forward to being able to play on the pitch again."

Thank you Gurj for that.

Next week sees the final captain's interview with Ben Cole giving his thoughts on the game.


Junior Section History


Captain’s Interview - Blaal Hussain