Captain’s Interview - James Fennah

We spoke to new 1XI Captain James Fennah about his experiences as a captain and his hopes for cricket in 2021.

Have you captained a team before? Tell me about that experience.

I have captained teams at youth level with great success and done the odd game at senior level but not a full season as of yet.

What have you been doing to keep fit/ busy throughout lock down?

During lockdown I invested in a bike which saw me out most days exploring. I thought it would be a good idea to cycle to the Falkirk Wheel after a week of having the bike. What a mistake that was!

What type of captain do you think you are and how do you think you handle pressure situations?

Let's see how I go next year.

Cricket has many swings of momentum - how can you stay positive throughout a whole game & what else is different about being a cricket captain compared to other sports?

As anybody who plays cricket knows, matches can turn in the blink of an eye. Knowing this is how I stay positive and I believe is a good outlook on the game. In other sports captains don't necessarily have to do a lot but in cricket you've got lots to think about being captain.

What is your favourite cricket memory and why?

Playing for Oxton CC Select XI vs Lashings All Stars and taking the wicket of Scott Styris after him dispatching me back over my head a few times!

If you could play another sport, what would it be and why?

Professional Footballer and I think we all know why...

Who is your favourite player you've played with at West and why?

I can't pick out an individual as I love playing with all the lads.

With uncertainty over the upcoming season, what does a positive season look like for you?

West competing for the league, having a good cup run and from a personal level scoring runs and taking wickets.


Captain’s Interview - Dave McNulty


Opening Up Cricket Session - 19th Jan 7:30 pm